Cloud brings agility and positively impacts Randon’s business

contato • abr. 02, 2021
Generate agility for the business. This is the principle that is driving Randon’s technological strategy - a Brazilian conglomerate headquartered in Caxias do Sul (Rio Grande do Sul state) - and its assembly, auto parts and service operations. 

With an eye on a more digital and innovative stance, the company faces the challenge of speeding up the implementation of new projects, increasing governance and ensuring delivery at a cost appropriate for the moment, which can be adjusted to periods of both high and low demand. 

And the answer to that? Of course, the Cloud. “It is an under-construction project, as it is always in progress. We have started a more consistent migration in 2018, and we are uploading new modules, in addition to the warranty and distribution portal and customer and supplier relationship websites”, says Randon IT manager, Mateus Abreu.

Mateus Abreu, Randon's IT Manager
This work is being carried out in partnership with Processor. One of the implementations already in place and where we can clearly see the evolution is the auto parts portal. The manager explains that before, when the logistics area requested an increase in infrastructure to meet a demand, it was necessary for the sector in charge to place the order for IT, which purchased the machines, set up them and only then the installation would be made.

Now, with the benefits of the cloud, that has changed. “We were able to reduce the time required for making the environment available by 60%. This greatly impacted the end user's satisfaction with IT”, he says. Not to mention the results for the business itself. If the technology allows the company to bring improvement and innovation projects to the market more quickly, the result in sales also comes faster. 

In addition to agility, Abreu says that the cloud environment also provides increased governance to the applications, and a more secure environment. Another benefit is the flexibility in cost management - in periods of high demand, IT provides more technology and in times of lower demand, it can be reduced.
“Our expertise is not in managing servers. Therefore, we seek expert partners. There is a change in mindset, in the company's culture on this journey towards transformation that, in fact, is much more human than technological”
IT Manager, Mateus Abreu.

Delivery Transformation

Josiane Quadros, Processor's Commercial Director, says that based on the daily challenges of managing the environment that supports the technology services of all Randon Group companies, Processor set out to transform, through the perspective of process optimization and technological innovation, the way in which IT deliveries were supported. 

The project carried out with Randon was based on four principles: excellence in services (operating and sustaining the IT infrastructure environment, delivering management with a high level of availability and operation of services); operating efficiency (optimizing operating and management processes by proposing new models for supporting applications); transforming the experience (transforming environment management into an experience that innovates the relationships between IT and business areas) and the culture of prevention (obtaining a 360º view of IT operation for mitigating availability risks by promoting prevention).

“Service dimensioning and management is oriented towards indicators and volume, always applying the proactive logic in the operation, so that it is possible to achieve excellence in the provision of services together with the client's team”, says Josiane. This made it possible that, after defining a new business demand or even the transformation of existing ones, in a few hours the environment is ready and available to the company's business team. 

“In Processor's point of view, the triad of people, processes and technology is materialized through our LiveCloud solution, a multicloud operation BPO combined with business applications that revolutionize the complexity present in traditional IT environments”, says Josiane . 

Randon's IT Analyst, Regis Dalsotto, reports that the operation of cloud services provided a remarkable experience in delivering workloads to the business areas. “We were able to respond with greater agility, simplicity and flexibility to the high number of demands for infrastructure services arising from projects and technological upgrades. On-demand provisioning for critical services made it possible to support large-scale requests with consistent performance at the lowest possible cost”, he says.

Randon's Test Field, in Farroupilha / RS

Collaboration is transforming the way professionals relate

The collaboration journey is also fully evolving within Randon. And the company has set big goals with this project that is is being conducted by Processor. 


There are several fronts. The migration of email and voice (Skype) is already 80% ready. The expectation is that in the second semester of 2019 the results of the collaboration will be seen in the transformation of how the company's employees relate. “We will increasingly explore the possibilities of the solution and use tools for meetings, corporate social networks, and project management”, projects Randon's IT manager, Mateus Abreu.


According to him, larger companies usually have a gap precisely in the collaboration among all teams. In the case of Randon, the goal is to increase the proximity between the areas. “The short-term outcome is an increase in capacity and availability for users. But the big benefits will come now in the second semester”, he projects.  

  Business agility

  Superior scale and performance using LiveCloud, Microsoft Azure technology such as IaaS and M365

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